Vehicle Types
Tractors, harvesters, seeders, utes, trucks, bailers, spray units etc
Advantages of EWP
Variations in chassis height are accommodated
Quick access to the undercarriage of vehicles
Trailers, sprayer units can remain hitched over the pit
All levels of the vehicle can be accessed at the same time
Covered pit provides extra floor space in the workshop
Improves workplace safety and facilities

Platform adjusts to suit height of technician and any agriculture equipment

Working on a tractor without straining or bending reduces farm injuries.

The EWP improves facilities for visiting on-site agriculture mechanical staff
Case study: Green Acres Farm, NSW
Industry type: Grain crops and sheep
Installed: 2017
Workshop: 2 bays
Installation type: New pit
Pit length: 10m
Platform: Steel plate floor, standard frame
Green Acres new workshop facility was designed to accommodate a new pit. An EWP was considered to be the best option for return on investment; creating a dual purpose area as the pit could be safely covered taking full advantage of storage space.

Green Acres new workshop facility with the EWP providing a dual purpose bay

Spray unit can remain hitched to the tractor for a quick service or repair

A slight height adjustment of the EWP under the harvester avoids crouching or having to use props